

Adding dynamic modules

Adding dynamic constructions


Building objects

Adding a street with signals

Replacing a street

Misc commands

Spawning a crane and an eagle:

cmd = api.cmd.make.spawnAnimal("animal/bird_eagle.mdl", api.type.Vec2f.new(50, 50))
api.cmd.sendCommand(cmd, function(res, valid) end)
a = api.cmd.make.spawnAnimal("animal/bird_crane.mdl", api.type.Vec2f.new(.0, .0))

Replacing a vehicle:

tv = api.engine.getComponent(66814, api.type.ComponentType.TRANSPORT_VEHICLE)

-- fileName = "vehicle/truck/40_tons.mdl",

cfg = api.type.TransportVehicleConfig.new()

vehicle = api.type.TransportVehiclePart.new()

vehicle.purchaseTime = 2933600
vehicle.maintenanceState = 0.99765330553055
vehicle.targetMaintenanceState = 0
vehicle.autoLoadConfig = { 1 }

part = api.type.VehiclePart.new()

part.modelId = apt.type. -- 6864
part.loadConfig[1] = 0

vehicle.part = part

cfg.vehicles[1] = vehicle
cfg.vehicleGroups[1] = 1

cmd = api.cmd.make.replaceVehicle(66814, cfg)

api.cmd.sendCommand(cmd, function(cmd, valid) print(valid) end)


Find a path from two edges of the street entity 170679 to the nodes of the street entity 171540:

e1 = api.type.EdgeId.new(170679, 0)
e2 = api.type.EdgeId.new(170679, 1)
n1 = api.type.NodeId.new(171540, 0)
n2 = api.type.NodeId.new(171540, 1)
n3 = api.type.NodeId.new(171540, 2)
n4 = api.type.NodeId.new(171540, 3)

-- g = api.engine.getComponent(171540, api.type.ComponentType.TRANSPORT_NETWORK)

z = api.engine.util.pathfinding.findPath(
        api.type.EdgeIdDirAndLength.new(e1, true, .0),
        api.type.EdgeIdDirAndLength.new(e2, true, .0),
        n1, n2, n3, n4

Useful ID for UI elements

In-game UI elements can be obtained in the following way:

g = api.gui.util.getById("menu.construction.rail.settings")

The id of elements can be obtained with the debug tools "AltGr + D", under "Show UI Element Name".

The main menu has two sub-layouts with ids "mainMenuLeftLayout" and "mainMenuRightLayout".

The id "menu.construction" is reserved to sub-menus of the construction menu, with the following categories: "rail", "road", "air", "water", "town", "terrain" and "industry".

The "settings" suffix tab references the Settings window. Notice that the element is destroyed once a new element is selected.

The individual entries in the construction menus can be obtained using the following


for example:


The bottom information bar can be reached with id "gameInfo".

The temporary window displaying information about an entity is


notice that this window is only temporary and will be destroyed once the window is closed.

The module menu can has id "menu.addModuleComp" whereas the temporary menu with parameters has id:


The cockpit view can be reached with the id "cockpit-view".

generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2023-12-04 15:04:40