Ground Textures

The ground textures are used in constructions to provide a suitable ground for the models. Basically, a ground texture configuration is a mask annotation that provides the information to use the right terrain material for a certain mask value. The ground texture configuration are stored in .lua files and they are located in the res/config/ground_textures/ folder.

A ground texture configuration looks like this:

function data()
return {
  texture = tu.makeMaterialIndexTexture("res/textures/terrain/....tga", "CLAMP_TO_EDGE", "CLAMP_TO_EDGE"),
  texSize = { 50, 110 },
  materialIndexMap = {
    [1] = "dirt.lua",
    [2] = "shared/asphalt_02.lua",
    [3] = "shared/asphalt_03.lua",
    [4] = "shared/gravel_03.lua",
    [5] = "shared/asphalt_04.lua",
  priority = 14,

ground texture map (increased contrast)

result in game

The texture property contains a material definition. Usually it is generated by the texutil.lua that can be found in the res/scripts/ folder. It provides several functions with different parameters. Relevant parameters for ground textures are:

The basic size of the ground texture pattern is set in texSize property.

To assign the mask information to a material, the materialIndexMap contains pairs with keys and terrain material references. Each index refers to the brightness value in the mask texture starting with [1] for almost black and [255] for white. Values that can't be found in the table are skipped, resulting in transparent areas (where the default terrain texture is visible below). The references are relative to res/config/terrain_materials/.

If several ground textures overlap, it depends on the priority property which one is considered as on top of the others and finally is displayed in the game.

Instead of a texture mask it is possible to add a indices block with two properties: